eve news
Hello! Welcome to Eve News!
I translate/summarise content and updates related to the singer-songwriter Eve!
※I'm not an official account nor affiliated to Eve in any way, I'm doing this as a fan :D
ハロー! Eveニュースと申します!趣味でEveさんのツイートや情報等々を海外リスナーさんのために英訳しております
※Eveさんご本人との関係は一切ありません。ファンとしてやっております :D
Guides and Tutorials
Official content use guidelines
There are mostly no restrictions on the secondary use of Eve’s music for personal, non-profit, and non-commercial useThey will not claim copyright infringement on content within these guidelinesIn regards to music videos, they’ve opened up a portion of music videos for personal, non-profit, and non-commercial use on video sites centered around the ones created by members of the ZOO art collective - these include:
How To Eat Life (Inochi no Tabekata)LEOBaumkuchen EndDark Night (Yamiyo)Last DanceAmbivalentTokyo GhettoOutsiderAs You Like It (Okinimesumama)DramaturgyAnoko SecretNonsense BungakuSister
Illegally reposting or redistributing of Eve’s sound sources (music) and music videos is forbiddenThey may delete illegal or inappropriate postsFor commercial or corporate use of Eve’s content, contact [email protected]
How to buy albums
Album releases will generally have two versions - a first run limited edition and a regular edition
First run limited edition albums: limited in supply, usually hard to find outside of secondhand stores after stock runs out, come with extra content (and usually fancier packaging)
Regular edition albums: jewel case CD only
Upon release, albums also usually come with store bonuses. Most people will choose which store to buy or pre-order from depending on which store bonus they want. These aren't restocked and it's first come first serve so if you have a particular one you want then pre-ordering or buying ASAP is recommended! Some album releases will also have a pre-order bonus for those who pre-order before a set deadline. Pre-orders are still open after this deadline passes, you just won't receive the bonus.
There are a range of stores you can buy from, some require a proxy service (meaning the store doesn't ship outside of Japan so you need to use a third party service such as tenso or buyee to send it overseas) and some don't. Using a proxy service will also cost more money overall. I recommend buying from Animate International or CDJapan if it's your first time, the purchase process is a lot easier :D
Stores that don't require a proxy:
Animate International (sometimes add newly announced products to their website late)CDJapan (proxy store, you don't get to choose the store bonus)Tower Records (online store has an affiliated international shipping proxy)
Stores that require a proxy:
Animate JPAmazon JPHMVVillage VanguardTower Records (if you choose not to use their affiliated proxy service)TSUTAYA
Common proxy services:
Please feel free to message any questions through DM or on CuriousCat! :D
Eve social media
twitter (personal): @oO0Eve0Oo
twitter (official): @nonsense_eye
instagram: @eve_harapeco
weibo: Eve_harapeco
line: Eve
Streaming Sites
website: eveofficial.com
niconico douga: user/10103681
bilibili: Eve_official
youtube: E ve
spotify: Eve
apple music: Eve
Harapeco store
online store (jpn)
online store (intl)
I am not affiliated with Eve in any way, I am simply a fan that enjoys translating and wants to share Eve's content with the world!
Although I do currently work in JP-ENG translation professionally and am confident in my abilities, I am still human and make mistakes.
Please do tell me if I have made any mistakes or if there are ways for me to improve in any area! I absolutely do not want to post misinformation!! Feedback is always greatly appreciated.
I will always localise my translations the best I can so that they are easy to understand for those that are unfamiliar with Japanese. I do try to provide translation notes when I feel they are necessary, but I won't always do so. Please feel free to send questions regarding my translations! I'm always happy to answer them :D
I run this account alone and I'll always try to be as quick as possible with updates, however, I may be late - especially when I am busy with real life schedules or am asleep. Radio programs and livestreams in particular, I cannot guarantee that I will be able to summarise all of them. I ask for your understanding and I'll do my best to catch most of them!
Translated in real time when possible! I can't guarantee I will be able to catch all Instagram livestreams or livestreams hosted by others where Eve is guesting but I'll do my best to! Instagram livestream translation threads will mostly be left as is, but for streams where Eve is guesting, if they do not get archived they will be deleted after 30 minutes of the stream ending. YouTube streams that aren't archived will also be deleted in the same fashion.
I have translated a number of these in the past!
Interviews/magazine articles:
Similarly to Eve LOCKS!, these take a long time to summarise, especially lengthy interviews. However, I do read through most of them and may translate bits and pieces that I feel are most interesting based on my current workload.
I will not repost instagram stories or posts where Eve himself is in the photo/video out of respect. I also do not record his livestreams nor will I post or share recordings of them. For Eve's instagram posts, I will generally attach a screenshot of the caption to the translation.
For posts in Chinese, I will consult a native speaker for a reliable translation.
I will translate important notices and free blog posts. Due to the nature of the app's premium membership system I will not translate timeline posts or leak premium content. This is also partially to ensure my workload is not too heavy, I ask for your understanding.
Please feel free to message through tagging, DM, or on CuriousCat! :D
*please don't ask for livestream recordings or other unofficial sources
Can I repost your translations/summaries to other sites?
Yes! There's no need to ask permission :D All I ask is that I'm credited with my username and a link to my original post
Can I translate your posts to another language?
Yes, however I ask that you message to let me know beforehand! Please make sure to also mention that you're translating from English and not Japanese
Do you have livestream recordings?
I do not record livestreams and never have, both out of respect and because it is not my personal preference to. This account is for official information only, please do not ask me for recordings or expect me to promote or share unofficial recordings
What is Eve LOCKS!?
Eve LOCKS! was Eve's segment on Tokyo FM's School of Lock (SOL)! He would usually read submissions sent in by listeners, talks about his latest releases, and other various fun things! He graduated from the program in April 2021 and no longer does the show
How do I listen to Eve LOCKS!?
Eve LOCKS! is no longer on the air
How do I write on the bulletin board/send in a submission to Eve LOCKS!?
To do this you'll need to make an account on the School of Lock website, this requires a Japanese phone number!
When will the global version of the ZINGAI app come out?
I will not know until they make an announcement!
How can I download the ZINGAI app outside of Japan?
Android: you will need to download an APK
IOS: you will need to make a Japanese Apple ID to gain access to the Japanese app store, from there you can install the app
Why is Eve's new song not available for me on Spotify?
This could either be because it's a new release and it hasn't hit midnight in your timezone yet OR it is region locked
Who are you? Where are you from?
I prefer to remain anonymous! This account's main focus is Eve and translations. Usually the only times I will post about me personally is to let people know that something may prevent me from posting (e.g. medical procedure) or if I will be taking a break
Are you self taught or did you learn Japanese through a course?
I am self taught, I do aim to take the JLPT when the global pandemic allows for it though!
Does Eve have a girlfriend?
I do not know, I do not concern myself with Eve's private life.